Identifying Centers of Influence

Ever ask someone what the most effective way to get new clients is? Nine times out of ten that person would say “word of mouth.” Why, then, do most business executives leave word of mouth to chance?
Word of mouth marketing can be the most important and most cost effective way to generate new business. This also is known as “whispering” or creating a “buzz.” In the public relations world it is always more important what others say of you rather than what you say of yourself.
From a strategic standpoint, you need to fully understand this concept before embarking down the networking path. Get people to talk about you. Generate a buzz. Create a stir. This can be known as “disruptive marketing.”
From a tactical standpoint create a spreadsheet. Start with a list your current clients, prospects and strategic partners. Next to them identify the person who referred you. Then select the top 10 people who have sent you the most referrals (or as close to 10 as possible).
You have now identified your centers of influence. Here is where the work begins. Keep a list of these people in your palm, blackberry, cell phone, laptop or simply an index card. In the notes column make sure to identify what industry, who they sell to and who they partner well with. If you don’t know this information call each person and get it.
Then you need to continually keep in contact with them. Update their contact information regularly, just like you would your personal and professional references. Whenever you network be thinking about if that person would be a good match or referral for one of your 10. Keeping these people top of mind is one of the most important and cost effective ways to grow your business. Forward them relevant industry articles, refer them to blogs that might be resourceful, send them emails at least once a month checking in with them and if you can help them.
Identifying and maintaining your centers of influence will empower you to control your word-of-mouth marketing efforts. Don’t let the most important marketing vehicle happen by chance!
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