Find the Joy in Your Life

There is an expression that you don't fully appreciate something until you don't have it anymore. My baby daughter recently got into an accident and she'll be okay but it really made me think about what's really important in my life and what brings ultimate joy. When we prioritize our day and create our daily task list or to-do list, we should really be listing the things that bring joy to our lives on the top of the list, not at the bottom of the list. But unfortunately, a lot of people don't know how to separate things that are urgent from things that are important. And there are things that are time sensitive; and therefore, urgent, but they're not really important. So when you are prioritizing your day, you really need to understand the difference between something that is important and something that is urgent, and how important that is in your life.
My family brings me the most joy, especially my 23-month-old daughter. The simplest things put me in the best mood and I forget all of the stresses of the day. When she was born, I made a commitment to be the best father that I could possibly be for her; and when she got in this accident, I remained very calm. I was able to think clearly of exactly what needed to get done; and for that, I'm proud of myself and how I conducted myself as a father. However, it makes me realize that spending time with her and being a good father to her brings me so much joy; and for those fathers and mothers, you would understand.
I remember before my wife and I had Madison I was trying to figure out what it would be like to have kids and how much you could love your son or daughter. My twin brother, Ettore, had already had his first child, and he told me that it was different than the love you have for your pets. My wife and I love animals and have three cats, so I told my brother, "Isn't it just like loving your pets but just a bit more?" He said, "Oh no, there's no comparison." And it is true because your kids are part of you and they are reflection of you, and I believe that they are the best of both of you.
In watching the movie The Bucket List, it really hit home for me that you need to pursue the things in life that make you happy. And for me, having balance in my life and spending time with my family makes me happy. And I want to leave a legacy on this planet for my family and for my daughter so that she can remember me for the type of person that I am and that she will carry on my legacy throughout her life.
So remember, when you're prioritizing your day, make sure that you identify the things that make you happy and strive for those things every day. If your list does not have something on there that makes you it!
Suggested Viewing:
The Bucket List by Warner Bros. Pictures
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