Saturday, August 05, 2006


As I sit here, tears of joy crawling down my tired but very happy face, I cuddle my newborn baby daughter Madison. She is just over a week old now and I am doing the night shift. I have just finished reading one of her baby books Love You Forever.

You see, people who know me as a dedicated, driven business man know that my life will change with the birth of my first child. I don’t multitask a business colleague put it, I mega-task. I always have my blackberry and laptop with me.

But something happened to me – once Madison was born my mega-tasking slowed to a screeching halt. Although I had my laptop in my car at the hospital and my Blackberry with me the laptop remained stagnant for several days. It’s one of the first times that I can ever remember that my cell phone message box was full!

In my daily journey to become a better person, especially considering the fact that I pride myself in relationship marketing strategies, of being a person of integrity and trust, I have looked for vehicles to improve myself. With Madison I now have taken a huge step in being just that.

In playing Sarano Kelley’s The Game I developed a personal/professional mission statement to assist people to achieve success through a work-life balance through becoming balanced myself.

Here I am going from entrepreneur to intrapreneur, from husband to father, the last step being the most life changing and powerful. I realize that the more my life is balanced the more I can help others achieve their goals and their balance.

We work to live not live to work. I sometimes feel as though my life has just begun.

A good friend told me that I wouldn’t know life without my daughter – and that person is so right. I can't imagine my life without my precious baby girl.

Many friends and colleagues have told me that life will never be the same again……and I am certainly glad of that fact.

I have had hundreds of business projects over the years but none have been more important than my “Project Madison.”

I love baby Madison with all of my heart and am dedicated to create the best life for her that I can. I have always wanted to be the best at something that I am uniquely qualified to do. I am Inspired to be the best Dad for Madison that I can possibly be.

Suggested Reading:

Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
Inspiration by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer