Having a Positive Attitude is Contagious

When I compete I always try to be positive with my doubles partner. Enjoying the process and not focusing on the result of winning or losing is so key to success in any sport and in life, since you don't have a direct affect on the outcome.
They say when you lose sometimes you win. Although we earned 3rd place in the Pro-am and lost the tournament, we found something more important - friendship.
I received a compelling email from my partner of which this was my response:
I am humbled by your kind words. You have so much potential in tennis. I only wish I was as good of a player as you are when I was your age.
I have learned to enjoy the process because life is short. Everyone seems to focus on the result - which is something you have no control over. You can control your level of effort, sportsmanship and positive energy.
I sincerely hope that you can take what we learned tonight and apply it to your college tennis career. Playing D1 tennis at UCONN, making the team as a walk on, earning the best record my final season and representing my school and the comradery with all my teammates was one of the best memories and experiences in my life.
So.....please enjoy the process, never get down on yourself and forget the past and focus on being present in tennis and in life - and you'll be a huge success.
But here's the thing - you already are.
Now strive for being undefeated in your position by giving it your best effort for every practice and every match and cheer on your teammates like I support you during our matches and you'll graduate knowing that you can take that experience and build upon it in life.
One day you'll be the pro and your am will be thanking you for encouraging him to victory.
Thank you again for your sincere appreciation, something that is all too often neglected in life.
Your friend,
Remember, stay focused on the process and keeping things in perspective will change the entire meaning of winning and losing.
Suggested Viewing:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaXVk5GBx-s (Inspirational sportsmanship sports video)
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