Friday, February 18, 2011

What makes a moment in life special?

When you expect one thing something else usually happens. I was teaching a lesson on "topspin" yesterday. Topspin is the art of striking a tennis ball and making it roll forward rapidly without going out but clearing the net. One of the women in my clinic has been trying to master this difficult concept for over a year. It never has really "clicked" for her.

I was trying every angle, expression, rhyme and saying until finally it "clicked!" I knew it clicked, not because of what I saw but what we felt. Sometimes in life you have those "moments." Yesterday's lesson was one of those for me. I had so much enjoyment and satisfaction that I had during the lesson after we had break through after break through.

Although I received wonderful thank you emails from both players in my clinic I owe thanks to them for making me realize that I am truly blessed to be pursuing my passion of teaching tennis and directing others to do the same. I give my best lessons to those who I really admire as people not just as players. We have mutual trust and admiration so we can try different ways to learn and to teach so that we get to the end result together.

I would have paid the players for the happiness that my lesson brought me.

When you get down on yourself in life or feel down on your luck just remember to count your blessings and perhaps your negative feelings will become distant memories.

The photo above shows Nicolas Mahut, my twin brother Ettore and me at the International Tennis Hall of Fame last summer after Mahut's longest match in the history of tennis at Wimbledon. We are honored to be asked back to coach and inspire tennis children this summer for the 3rd year in a row. I'm sure the experience will provide another moment for me.

Suggested Viewing: (inspirationl sports moment)